Sunday, September 11, 2011

Process and Inspirations

Latest group of works below.

This project is a collaborative piece. Cheris Took the photos of the tree and its reflection. I blew up the photo and made a transfer of it. The crop "circle" design is an edited version of a design I found online. I loved it immediately and combined the two elements in this piece. The first thing noticed from my critique of this piece (thank you Jon) is a question: "Why is the reflection of the tree clearer than the actual tree?" - Why is the subconscious "below" image clearer than the conscious "above" image? WHY IS THE REFLECTION CLEARER? (this can be seen better in the actual piece as opposed to the photograph)

I've found in life, the purpose of events often seem clearer after the fact. Also, the same can be true about our dreams. Dreams seem fluffy and unclear, however, one may come to discover later that their past dreams were trying to communicate something important to them...
As an exercise in documentation, 
I have also included some of the process of the finishing portion of a few paintings.
Framing Process

The Artist Station
Thought clouds that threaten the creative flow
(a song I found congruent as I created this)

Gnothi Seuton = Know Thyself