Sunday, May 29, 2011

Um, I won first place in the doodle contest contest!!!

contemplative questions:

- What do YOU do when no one is looking?

Some stuff that I do when no one is looking.... (I'm assuming you'd like to know)
This is when I research interesting things that I have been conditioned to think are not possibly real. Like aliens. I think they are...I research stuff like Kabalah, Merkabah, Cymatics, and the Emerald tablets of Thoth. It makes me feel free to do this. Out of school for years and yet I finally recognize that I have a choice to learn about whatever the hell I want to learn about. Its great! These things inspire!

Also,when no one is looking, I allow myself to cry secretly about feelings that have no words, and then I feel refreshed and happy again.

And, of course, when no one is looking, or at least I think no one saw - I pick my nose. Ew. I know. I use a tissue, don't worry. But, sometimes I get tissue stuck on my nose ring and I walk around for countless public moments with a piece of white tissue chilling on my facial jewelery. Its silly and embarrassing, yet highly laughable :D 

So, What do YOU do when no eyes are on YOU????

Fractal takes Crop circle diddy out on the town

So they've just gone out on their first date, "Crop circle Diddy" and "Fractal". Both seem to be pleased with this new relation. Things are still black and white but will blossom into full color and added complexity inevitably. Perhaps they will meet up with nature next time they get together and create a new layer to their dynamic....

experimenting with childlike ideas...

plastic paper, some fun wire and beads. Its lightweight, its colorful, its a shrinky-dink.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


lotus flower
The lotus flower (Sanskrit: Padma; Tibetan: པད་མེWylie: pad me), representing 'primordial purity' (Tibetan: ཀ་དགWylie: ka dag) of body, speech, and mind, floating above the muddy waters of attachment and desire; represents the full blossoming of wholesome deeds in blissful liberation.

A bit of love from nature